Wednesday, August 31, 2016

PMI #1 "Viewz of Character"

1. Definition of a good person: A good person is someone who you can trust to always be by your side, someone that won't abandon you in a time of need. A good person is someone who cares for themselves just as much as they care for others. A good person is selfless, but also has control over their donations, as well as being in control of their bad emotions, or at least try to make an effort to do so. They love others, are honest, truthful, and they forgive those that have done wrong against them or their friends. This kind of person most likely doesn't exist, that is someone having all of these traits and more. But what is realistically a good person, is one that makes an effort to be the best they can be for themselves and others. A good person is not perfect, but what makes the difference, is the fact that they realize that they have flaws just like everyone else.

2. My Moral Strengths: Out of all of the traits, attitudes, and behaviors I mentioned above, I think I only possess a few of them. I am extremely far from being a good person. But I'm not all bad; if that was so, I'd probably be in a state penitentiary. Anyways, I always try to forgive those that have done hurtful things to me, even though it's extremely hard; but God tells us to forgive others as he forgave us for our sins. I like to think of myself as a reliable friend and a member of my family, but nobody can always be there at the right time or place. I try and be truthful in my opinions as much as I can, and even though it might not want to be what people want to hear, I'll voice my opinion loud and clear. One last thing is that I'll stand up for others when the situation calls for it; though I'm not that good at breaking up arguments, a guy's got to try, right?

3. My Moral Weaknesses: I'll say right off the bat, that I am not exactly an honest person, when it comes down to it. I try, I really do, but I think that that is my worst weakness. I lie a lot, even on small things like my mom asking me if I did the laundry yet, and stuff like that. I also admit that I'm a bit on the selfish side. I try my best, with God's help, to give to others, and to help them as much as I possibly can; but sometimes I just feel like I need to focus solely on my needs more than others. And that happens a lot more than I and others would like. I'm not saying I'm stingy with money or stuff like that, but I am protective of my stuff, so much so that sometimes I won't give something to someone that needs it because I want it for myself, and you might be thinking, "That isn't so bad!" Well it wouldn't be, if I didn't do that like 96% of the time. Lastly, I have some trouble with controlling myself when I get angry or taunted by other people. Even though I've gotten better at it, I'm still one to unleash hell on someone if they piss me off enough; no exceptions. By the way, that's not a threat, if you were wondering...

4. Moral Opportunities: I think that hearing other people's definitions of what a good person should be, and reading more and more of the Bible, will help me to improve myself. I also think that I might find someone I can relate to that I didn't realize I connected with, and make new friends that can keep me in line, you know? In my opinion, and I'm going to be blunt about this, I think that God can really take someone to a whole new level of knowing what makes a good person a truly good person that you can't quite see without Him. By reading the Bible, I've learned that the people that you are around influence you greatly, and vice versa; so I think that by doing this activity, others and I can get to know each other, and have better influences on each other. I've also learned that living for God can really make people realize how much God can change someone's life, especially if that person has known them for a long time. I'm not perfect, but I think with God's guidance, I can really benefit from this.

"For I am not unashamed of the Gospel"
Romans 1:16

5. Moral Threats: I believe that the same can be said for opportunities that can be said for threats: The people you hang out with can influence you to either be a good person or a bad person. I feel as though I'll encounter obstacles like being asked to do something, either in the next 8 weeks or at some point in my life, that goes against what God wants me to do. Also, this experience really will let me think about all the bad things and habits that I've developed over the years, and that can be good; but it's also bad at the same time, because I'll realize how much I've done against God, and that will definitely make me lead my life more focused on God. I'll also say that this activity is going to challenge me spiritually, because some people will say how certain things are okay, and doesn't affect your character, but it does to God; and that's going to be difficult for me, because of the temptation that follows. "And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).


  1. Hey Andrew! I can understand what you feel. I also have a problem with enthusiasm and honesty. When I was younger, I used to lie about everything. I also used to get away with a lot of things. But, I learned that its just easier to keep a clean slate, rather than to have to lie your way through. The reason I used to lie before was because, I was a trouble maker. As long as you complete everything you need to do and avoid trouble, your fine. Another thing is that I had trouble with enthusiasm. In order to boost your enthusiasm, you need to see that other people are not as lucky as you. You go to a good school, you have a loving family, and you have friends to support you. In other countries people are fighting for an education. Some are even willing to die for one. Also other families are poor and can't afford to have such a lifestyle. Take that into consideration next time you feel a lack of motivation.

  2. Dear Andrew,
    I really liked your blog because I related to a lot of things. I believe in god too and he is helping become a better person. Also I lose enthusiasm over certain things and I definitely need help in that. For example, when they give me a homework assignment and such I generally am not excited about it. I also lose my patience with people. Anyways, I know god will help you in these areas.
