Friday, September 2, 2016

EXP #1 "The Ultimate Disciple"

Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm means to be extremely excited and to have a feeling of active interest in something that you enjoy. The reason I chose enthusiasm to work on, is so that I can be more involved in things that i do in my everyday life. At places like church, school, home, and doing things like small groups, homework, projects, and chores. I feel as though enthusiasm is an important virtue to have in life because it adds passion and motivation into a daily routine. This virtue, I hope, will help me to engage more profoundly in all aspects of my life in the future. My enthusiasm is not at the level I want it to be right now, and by working on it for the rest of the semester, I think that I will be at the level I wish to be or maybe even higher than I thought I would be. I think that trying to participate more in all my activities and trying to be positive while doing them, even if it's something that I don't like, will help boost my enthusiasm 

Faith: Faith means the strong belief or trust in someone or something, and in most cases, that faith happens to refer to God. And that also happens to be my case. Faith is very important in order to follow God, and without it, your relationship with Him has no base. I struggle with my faith, it seems, almost every day; whether it be the decisions I have to make, bad habits I feel the urge to keep doing, or having to decline sinful offers, it is certainly difficult to stay on the path God has set for me. My plan to get better is to read the Bible, talk to my leader at church for advice, and most definitely pray for strength and endurance. Faith is an interesting thing: When it wavers, so does your connection with God.

Honesty: Honesty is the quality of being fair and truthful. I chose honesty, because for almost my entire life, that has been one of my main struggles. Lying is so much easier than telling the truth, is it not? But what I've learned, yet still fall victim to, is the punishment you receive when you get caught up in the lies. Ever since I can remember, I have lied, but so much so, that I would lie about a dirty dish laying around not being mine, or that I did my homework when I actually completely forgot about it. It may sound normal, but that caused me to become accustomed to the guilt that followed lying; because of that, I no longer felt guilty about lying. And a few years back, I realized what a dangerous game I was playing, just lying for no reason at all. I realized back then and I realize it still, and that is that I will never stop lying completely, because that's impossible for any human to do, but I'll try my best, through the support of others and through the strength of God, to restrain the urge to tell lies.


  1. Hey Andrew. I believe that the three virtues you chose are great for understanding life, and becoming a good person. I especially like the first virtue you picked, enthusiasm. This is very similar to the virtue I chose, appreciation. We both have to start finding things that enthuse us both, and stuff we can appreciate. i have known you for many years and I feel like you are a great person already. However, nobody is perfect, and we all have flaws somewhere. With your determination for completing these three virtues, you will become a great person in no time.

  2. Forgive my typo on the third sentence. I meant to put "I" but I have to press down really hard on the shift key. I did revise my work but did not catch this mistake.
