Friday, September 9, 2016

Blog #2 "Enthusiasm, yippee!"

The virtue I tried to focus on this week was enthusiasm, and trust me when I say, it is EXTREMELY difficult to be enthusiastic about school. I think especially today was a challenge at the awards ceremony, mostly because sitting at a table for 4 hours without really knowing what's going on and it having nothing to do with you is quite boring. Uuuuh... I meant it was really fun and exciting, yay! I really did try to lighten it up though, by talking to my friends at the table and have conversations and play games that would keep us from using the tablecloth as a communal blanket so we could sleep. The reason that description is so descriptive, is because we were so tired that we actually contemplated whether or not we should us it as a sheet or something... Anyways, improvement is slow, but at least its improvement, right? I think next week I'll work on honesty lot more than I have been because with Geometry and Algebra and all the pop quizzes we've been having, it's really challenging to resist the temptation of cheating.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Andrew! I know how you felt at the award ceremony.... I was sitting with you at your table. I am also trying to improve on something similar - a positive attitude. Just try to look at the brighter side of things in every situation and ignore the negative stuff might ruin your day or whatever activity you are doing at the time. And for your temptation, always resist!! I hope everything goes well with your character experiment. And p.s. nice Bible verse!
