Friday, December 23, 2016

Blog #16 "Standing At The Concession, Plotting His Oppression"

Talk about a hard week. This week has been hectic, with all the quizzes and tests the last couple of days that we've had, and I've also been having some struggles with my faith. With all these quizzes, temptation pops up all over the place to cheat, to take the easy way out and not study. This has been really challenging for me, especially since all of the tests and quizzes have been extremely difficult. I've been praying every day for strength, and so far I have been able to resist, and not cheat. Now the result of this has been me failing about half of them. So the real battle now is going to be continuing to study hard so that the temptation to cheat never arises in the first place. I realize how detrimental cheating can be, and how much trust you can earn from being honest and faithful. It's been challenging with many obstacles, but I feel proud of myself: This was a big obstacle for me to overcome. I feel like I'm actually using my brain!

Blog #15 "Krusty Krab is unfair, Mr. Krabs is in there"

I'm writing this entry on a Sunday as you can tell, and that's because I couldn't type it up last week... So I don't remember if this will count for next week's blog or something, but whatever I'm still gonna write it! Anyways, I had a really bad case of the flu and after 4 days of having it I still can't talk even remotely well, or at all. So I'm going to expect a lot of bad participation grades until my throat gets better, because Mr. Timpilis is a bully. Just kidding he's not actually a bully. But anyways, I've been working on enthusiasm lately, which I haven't done since my first entry, I think. The reason is mostly because of the flu I've had since Thursday. I was surprised with myself, in the fact that I was able to stay positive throughout it, even though I was in a ton of discomfort, for those who know what a really bad flu feels like. I also was able to actually try and attempt to do some homework today, like this blog, although I doubt I will get all the stuff I need to get done, done by today. But a man can try, right?

Blog #14 "Are You Feeling It Now, Mr. Krabs"

Wow I'm so lucky I remembered to do this post like 10 minutes before it's due because I would have been screwed, especially considering I forgot to do my blog last week because I was beat from all the tests we had. I guess this week I tried to work on my faith, and I did that by praying a lot for a friend of mine who is going through some tough family issues right now, and I hope God will help me to help this person in their time of need. I also worked on enthusiasm for this person because I saw how down they were and I genuinely tried to console them. I am going to keep praying for them and their family, because I really do want them to get through the situation.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Blog #13 "Arduino is Back"

Just kidding, it's not back for those that know, and I sure wish it stays that way. It needs to stay in it's home in the 7th circle of Hell. I've done almost absolutely nothing this week, as always, because I have no social life and no friends and no skills and no aspirations in life... Actually I do, but it's just that I'm either too lazy to try and do anything outside of school with anyone, or I just don't feel like it. Any who, I worked on enthusiasm this week and I have to say that I failed miserably. Like I was so done all week this week because it's right after Thanksgiving Break and I just can't wait for Christmas Break, so I just want to go home and binge watch some shows and go to the gym. That is the only thing I'm enthusiastic about this week, and rightfully so; we have had two quizzes, an assessment, and we'll have a test tomorrow. Kill me n- I mean, I'm so thankful for all the testing opportunities we have to further our education! (Totally not sarcastic at all!). Please help me.