Friday, December 23, 2016

Blog #15 "Krusty Krab is unfair, Mr. Krabs is in there"

I'm writing this entry on a Sunday as you can tell, and that's because I couldn't type it up last week... So I don't remember if this will count for next week's blog or something, but whatever I'm still gonna write it! Anyways, I had a really bad case of the flu and after 4 days of having it I still can't talk even remotely well, or at all. So I'm going to expect a lot of bad participation grades until my throat gets better, because Mr. Timpilis is a bully. Just kidding he's not actually a bully. But anyways, I've been working on enthusiasm lately, which I haven't done since my first entry, I think. The reason is mostly because of the flu I've had since Thursday. I was surprised with myself, in the fact that I was able to stay positive throughout it, even though I was in a ton of discomfort, for those who know what a really bad flu feels like. I also was able to actually try and attempt to do some homework today, like this blog, although I doubt I will get all the stuff I need to get done, done by today. But a man can try, right?

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