Friday, October 14, 2016

Blog #6 "So Bored It Hurts"

I'm in so much pain right now, physically and mentally. I lost faith in my ability to study and prepare for a test last week and I got a zero on my test cause I cheated. So that was a bummer. But also I think I bruised like every area in my body yesterday and now I feel like a well used punching bag, so that adds on to the delighful news. I tried to work on my honesty for the past two weeks, and I think I've been getting better, even though I've been lying to myself and others about studying before these past two weeks. But, I'm planning a way for me to get better and actually am doing pretty well at it; I've gotten 3 A's on tests and quizzes this week cause I was honest about studying and actually did it. Also, for those who know what this means, "Business is booming."


  1. Hey Andrew, I think you are a really really smart guy. You are also really nice, I really like working with you in robotics. But as I said, you are really smart and you also know how to study really well. I don't know why you cheated because honestly, I think you would've been better off trying your best and not cheating. And as you can see for your self, you could be a much better student if you just study a little. And congrats on business.

  2. Nice blog post. It was honest for as far as I can tell. in school I remember you complaining that you were completely sore and that it hurt. It’s Kind of ironic the whole no studying for the test incident. But at least you are improving as that is the goal of this assignment. It’s also good to hear that your project is working.

  3. Good blog Andrew i feel like you really showed your feelings which is really good because you shouldn't keep it all bottled up inside. And everyone cheats at one point so don't be so hard on yourself, it happens :) and I like the ending it adds a little suspense. Overall great post!
