Sunday, October 23, 2016

Blog #7 "Late as Always"

I'm writing this entry on a Sunday as you can tell, and that's because I couldn't type it up last week... So I don't remember if this will count for next week's blog or something, but whatever I'm still gonna write it! Anyways, I had a really bad case of the flu and after 4 days of having it I still can't talk even remotely well, or at all. So I'm going to expect a lot of bad participation grades until my throat gets better, because Mr. Timpilis is a bully. Just kidding he's not actually a bully. But anyways, I've been working on enthusiasm lately, which I haven't done since my first entry, I think. The reason is mostly because of the flu I've had since Thursday. I was surprised with myself, in the fact that I was able to stay positive throughout it, even though I was in a ton of discomfort, for those who know what a really bad flu feels like. I also was able to actually try and attempt to do some homework today, like this blog, although I doubt I will get all the stuff I need to get done, done by today. But a man can try, right?


  1. Wow I can't believe you got the flu that's horrible to hear. I've never gotten the flu and I'm very happy about that. It's good to see that you've brought back up enthusiasm whihc is good because I did notice you were being more energetic and enthusiastic in class. I doubt that you'll get bad participation grades because the teachers will understand that you got the flu so don't stress it. If anything have your mom write you a note for school but good work on the virtues.

  2. I like how you focused on a virtue that you havent really talked about, its a good change. And I think your teachers will understand if your sick so I hope they are lenient in grading participation. I also think its good how you kept a positive attitude while you were sick. Great job on the post!

  3. That's the spirit I guess. The flu sucks and I've only ever experienced minor symptoms. It's good that you are trying to focus on enthusiasm especially because you haven't that much and when your sick you feel like you don't even wanna get out of bed. So good job and keep it up plus get well soon.

  4. Like we learned in English, we have to look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs because your health might be more important than your virtues at the moment. Focus on recuperating from your illness before focusing on things that are less important than your physical state.
