Sunday, November 27, 2016

Blog #12 "It Is My Fault This Time..."

You have no idea how many face palms I'm doing as I'm typing this one up, like almost half of my blogs are late because I think about being responsible and doing it at the beginning of the week, but then forget because I'm absent minded and clueless; but what's new, right? I'm feeling artificial right now, and what I mean by that is, is that I feel like I've been trying to live to please others when I don't want to, and I need to switch it up. The suspense is building... And it's gonna keep building because I'm not going to say what I'm going to do. Anyways, I worked on absolutely nothing this week and I am ashamed, yes, but I guess I'm using my virtue of honesty by saying that I haven't worked on anything. Had some friend issues and I've gotta see what I'll do about that, because it's gotten to be a bit too much to deal with, and I'm fed up with what they're doing. TBD, I guess. Well, that's all for this late post. I should just start calling my blogs: "Late Blog #..." at this point. I'll work on it.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blog #11 "It's Not My Fault This Time!"

Alright so as you might have noticed, I've been posting late on the past few blogs, except for the last one, I think, and those have been because I've either forgotten or I'm just lazy and put it off until like midnight on Friday night and I'm too tired; next thing you know it's two days later and I'm like, "Oh crap I forgot about my blog that I forgot to do last week and now it's gonna be super late!" Well, this time it was not my fault. This time, Blogger wouldn't let me post any entries or comments until a few hours ago, because of some technical glitch or something that happened. So bottom line, there was nothing I could do. Other than that, I've been working on my enthusiasm this week, and I was very enthusiastic about getting monies for doing extra stuff around the house, even though my back hurts like a, well, you know. Anywho, I have been trying to be more positive in my life because I have been known to be just the teeeeeensiest bit cynical and sarcastic... And I am going to try and be enthusiastic about the fact that my Ethics grade is probably been struggling because I've been submitting these blogs late, so we'll see how that goes.

Image result for Colossians 3:23

Friday, November 11, 2016

Blog #10 "I'm Freakin Sick. Again."

I'm am so done right now, you guys don't even understand. The reason I didn't go to school on Thursday was because I got sick again. Yeah, again in the course of a few weeks or so, and it's basically the same thing I got a few weeks ago, so my voice is shot like last time. And I laugh about this now, but I've been working on my enthusiasm a lot in these past few weeks, and you can probably see why. Stress and sickness is the only way to really live a nice life. Just kidding I feel like hell writing this. Anyways, I am glad I got a few days off this week, although for others it was only two days of, but that's getting off topic. Besides enthusiasm, I've been working on my honesty, because to be honest, I've been neglecting that virtue for a while now, and I didn't want to admit it on here or even to myself. But by being honest about not working on it, takes a huge load off my chest. I've also been going through some personal issues that I'd rather not talk about on my blog, cause, well... It's personal, okay? But anyways, just wanted to stick it out there, and just wanted to ask anyone reading this, if they're willing, to pray for me and ask God to help me with my... Let's just say with my commitment to Him. And God Bless to anyone who does this. Really, it's greatly appreciated if you do!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Blog #9 "1, 2, Skip A Few"

Wow I'm so lucky I remembered to do this post like 10 minutes before it's due because I would have been screwed, especially considering I forgot to do my blog last week because I was beat from all the tests we had. I guess this week I tried to work on my faith, and I did that by praying a lot for a friend of mine who is going through some tough family issues right now, and I hope God will help me to help this person in their time of need. I also worked on enthusiasm for this person because I saw how down they were and I genuinely tried to console them. I am going to keep praying for them and their family, because I really do want them to get through the situation.