Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blog #11 "It's Not My Fault This Time!"

Alright so as you might have noticed, I've been posting late on the past few blogs, except for the last one, I think, and those have been because I've either forgotten or I'm just lazy and put it off until like midnight on Friday night and I'm too tired; next thing you know it's two days later and I'm like, "Oh crap I forgot about my blog that I forgot to do last week and now it's gonna be super late!" Well, this time it was not my fault. This time, Blogger wouldn't let me post any entries or comments until a few hours ago, because of some technical glitch or something that happened. So bottom line, there was nothing I could do. Other than that, I've been working on my enthusiasm this week, and I was very enthusiastic about getting monies for doing extra stuff around the house, even though my back hurts like a, well, you know. Anywho, I have been trying to be more positive in my life because I have been known to be just the teeeeeensiest bit cynical and sarcastic... And I am going to try and be enthusiastic about the fact that my Ethics grade is probably been struggling because I've been submitting these blogs late, so we'll see how that goes.

Image result for Colossians 3:23

1 comment:

  1. Honestly same(with all the laziness and forgetfulness, i gotchu.) Anyway, enthusiasm is one of the best things ever, and it's amazing that you're progressing towards that. Btw you can be sarcastic and still be enthusiastic just make it a funny sarcastic not a crabby one. Good Luck!
