Friday, December 23, 2016

Blog #16 "Standing At The Concession, Plotting His Oppression"

Talk about a hard week. This week has been hectic, with all the quizzes and tests the last couple of days that we've had, and I've also been having some struggles with my faith. With all these quizzes, temptation pops up all over the place to cheat, to take the easy way out and not study. This has been really challenging for me, especially since all of the tests and quizzes have been extremely difficult. I've been praying every day for strength, and so far I have been able to resist, and not cheat. Now the result of this has been me failing about half of them. So the real battle now is going to be continuing to study hard so that the temptation to cheat never arises in the first place. I realize how detrimental cheating can be, and how much trust you can earn from being honest and faithful. It's been challenging with many obstacles, but I feel proud of myself: This was a big obstacle for me to overcome. I feel like I'm actually using my brain!

Blog #15 "Krusty Krab is unfair, Mr. Krabs is in there"

I'm writing this entry on a Sunday as you can tell, and that's because I couldn't type it up last week... So I don't remember if this will count for next week's blog or something, but whatever I'm still gonna write it! Anyways, I had a really bad case of the flu and after 4 days of having it I still can't talk even remotely well, or at all. So I'm going to expect a lot of bad participation grades until my throat gets better, because Mr. Timpilis is a bully. Just kidding he's not actually a bully. But anyways, I've been working on enthusiasm lately, which I haven't done since my first entry, I think. The reason is mostly because of the flu I've had since Thursday. I was surprised with myself, in the fact that I was able to stay positive throughout it, even though I was in a ton of discomfort, for those who know what a really bad flu feels like. I also was able to actually try and attempt to do some homework today, like this blog, although I doubt I will get all the stuff I need to get done, done by today. But a man can try, right?

Blog #14 "Are You Feeling It Now, Mr. Krabs"

Wow I'm so lucky I remembered to do this post like 10 minutes before it's due because I would have been screwed, especially considering I forgot to do my blog last week because I was beat from all the tests we had. I guess this week I tried to work on my faith, and I did that by praying a lot for a friend of mine who is going through some tough family issues right now, and I hope God will help me to help this person in their time of need. I also worked on enthusiasm for this person because I saw how down they were and I genuinely tried to console them. I am going to keep praying for them and their family, because I really do want them to get through the situation.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Blog #13 "Arduino is Back"

Just kidding, it's not back for those that know, and I sure wish it stays that way. It needs to stay in it's home in the 7th circle of Hell. I've done almost absolutely nothing this week, as always, because I have no social life and no friends and no skills and no aspirations in life... Actually I do, but it's just that I'm either too lazy to try and do anything outside of school with anyone, or I just don't feel like it. Any who, I worked on enthusiasm this week and I have to say that I failed miserably. Like I was so done all week this week because it's right after Thanksgiving Break and I just can't wait for Christmas Break, so I just want to go home and binge watch some shows and go to the gym. That is the only thing I'm enthusiastic about this week, and rightfully so; we have had two quizzes, an assessment, and we'll have a test tomorrow. Kill me n- I mean, I'm so thankful for all the testing opportunities we have to further our education! (Totally not sarcastic at all!). Please help me.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Blog #12 "It Is My Fault This Time..."

You have no idea how many face palms I'm doing as I'm typing this one up, like almost half of my blogs are late because I think about being responsible and doing it at the beginning of the week, but then forget because I'm absent minded and clueless; but what's new, right? I'm feeling artificial right now, and what I mean by that is, is that I feel like I've been trying to live to please others when I don't want to, and I need to switch it up. The suspense is building... And it's gonna keep building because I'm not going to say what I'm going to do. Anyways, I worked on absolutely nothing this week and I am ashamed, yes, but I guess I'm using my virtue of honesty by saying that I haven't worked on anything. Had some friend issues and I've gotta see what I'll do about that, because it's gotten to be a bit too much to deal with, and I'm fed up with what they're doing. TBD, I guess. Well, that's all for this late post. I should just start calling my blogs: "Late Blog #..." at this point. I'll work on it.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Blog #11 "It's Not My Fault This Time!"

Alright so as you might have noticed, I've been posting late on the past few blogs, except for the last one, I think, and those have been because I've either forgotten or I'm just lazy and put it off until like midnight on Friday night and I'm too tired; next thing you know it's two days later and I'm like, "Oh crap I forgot about my blog that I forgot to do last week and now it's gonna be super late!" Well, this time it was not my fault. This time, Blogger wouldn't let me post any entries or comments until a few hours ago, because of some technical glitch or something that happened. So bottom line, there was nothing I could do. Other than that, I've been working on my enthusiasm this week, and I was very enthusiastic about getting monies for doing extra stuff around the house, even though my back hurts like a, well, you know. Anywho, I have been trying to be more positive in my life because I have been known to be just the teeeeeensiest bit cynical and sarcastic... And I am going to try and be enthusiastic about the fact that my Ethics grade is probably been struggling because I've been submitting these blogs late, so we'll see how that goes.

Image result for Colossians 3:23

Friday, November 11, 2016

Blog #10 "I'm Freakin Sick. Again."

I'm am so done right now, you guys don't even understand. The reason I didn't go to school on Thursday was because I got sick again. Yeah, again in the course of a few weeks or so, and it's basically the same thing I got a few weeks ago, so my voice is shot like last time. And I laugh about this now, but I've been working on my enthusiasm a lot in these past few weeks, and you can probably see why. Stress and sickness is the only way to really live a nice life. Just kidding I feel like hell writing this. Anyways, I am glad I got a few days off this week, although for others it was only two days of, but that's getting off topic. Besides enthusiasm, I've been working on my honesty, because to be honest, I've been neglecting that virtue for a while now, and I didn't want to admit it on here or even to myself. But by being honest about not working on it, takes a huge load off my chest. I've also been going through some personal issues that I'd rather not talk about on my blog, cause, well... It's personal, okay? But anyways, just wanted to stick it out there, and just wanted to ask anyone reading this, if they're willing, to pray for me and ask God to help me with my... Let's just say with my commitment to Him. And God Bless to anyone who does this. Really, it's greatly appreciated if you do!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Blog #9 "1, 2, Skip A Few"

Wow I'm so lucky I remembered to do this post like 10 minutes before it's due because I would have been screwed, especially considering I forgot to do my blog last week because I was beat from all the tests we had. I guess this week I tried to work on my faith, and I did that by praying a lot for a friend of mine who is going through some tough family issues right now, and I hope God will help me to help this person in their time of need. I also worked on enthusiasm for this person because I saw how down they were and I genuinely tried to console them. I am going to keep praying for them and their family, because I really do want them to get through the situation.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Blog #7 "Late as Always"

I'm writing this entry on a Sunday as you can tell, and that's because I couldn't type it up last week... So I don't remember if this will count for next week's blog or something, but whatever I'm still gonna write it! Anyways, I had a really bad case of the flu and after 4 days of having it I still can't talk even remotely well, or at all. So I'm going to expect a lot of bad participation grades until my throat gets better, because Mr. Timpilis is a bully. Just kidding he's not actually a bully. But anyways, I've been working on enthusiasm lately, which I haven't done since my first entry, I think. The reason is mostly because of the flu I've had since Thursday. I was surprised with myself, in the fact that I was able to stay positive throughout it, even though I was in a ton of discomfort, for those who know what a really bad flu feels like. I also was able to actually try and attempt to do some homework today, like this blog, although I doubt I will get all the stuff I need to get done, done by today. But a man can try, right?

Friday, October 14, 2016

Blog #6 "So Bored It Hurts"

I'm in so much pain right now, physically and mentally. I lost faith in my ability to study and prepare for a test last week and I got a zero on my test cause I cheated. So that was a bummer. But also I think I bruised like every area in my body yesterday and now I feel like a well used punching bag, so that adds on to the delighful news. I tried to work on my honesty for the past two weeks, and I think I've been getting better, even though I've been lying to myself and others about studying before these past two weeks. But, I'm planning a way for me to get better and actually am doing pretty well at it; I've gotten 3 A's on tests and quizzes this week cause I was honest about studying and actually did it. Also, for those who know what this means, "Business is booming."

Friday, September 30, 2016

Blog #5 "The Struggle Is Real"

This week I've been working on my faith, and as always, and it shouldn't come as a shock that it's been hard. I have had plenty of temptations this week that disobey God's will, and a few of them being kinda personal, so I won't mention them; but anyways, the point still stands. This week has given me many opportunities to cheat, although I've been studying hard so that it's less of an option, which is good. I was also able to obey God's commands for me more and more, because I have been straying away for the past year or so. I hope that I'm able to do well for the rest of this quarter cause if I get any grade below an A, my mom is gonna kill me; I swear, sometimes I think my mom is secretly Asian. But I think I'll survive with lots of hard work and resisting the urge to gulp down an entire container of bleach. I hope.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blog #4 "Homework vs. Social Life"

Aright, so this week has been pretty chill, and I haven't had any major problems up to this point in the week; although you never know, it's only Thursday. The only thing I have been struggling with is progressing to my next belt in MMA; man, those tests are hard. If you do one thing wrong, you fail completely. I have one test left until my next belt, but I've failed twice so far at it. It's extremely frustrating, it really is. I can only do the test once per week, so my new belt keeps on being delayed, and the most frustrating part is the reason for why I'm failing: It's because I'm spending too much time on studying and homework rather than practicing for my MMA tests. Message to all teachers: Us students have other priorities in life other than school. Let up. Please, your ruining my life.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Blog #3 "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!"

Talk about a hard week. This week has been hectic, with all the quizzes and tests the last couple of days that we've had, and I've also been having some struggles with my faith. With all these quizzes, temptation pops up all over the place to cheat, to take the easy way out and not study. This has been really challenging for me, especially since all of the tests and quizzes have been extremely difficult. I've been praying every day for strength, and so far I have been able to resist, and not cheat. Now the result of this has been me failing about half of them. So the real battle now is going to be continuing to study hard so that the temptation to cheat never arises in the first place. I realize how detrimental cheating can be, and how much trust you can earn from being honest and faithful. It's been challenging with many obstacles, but I feel proud of myself: This was a big obstacle for me to overcome. I feel like I'm actually using my brain!

1 John 1:6 "So we are lying if we say we have fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness; we are not practicing the truth."

Friday, September 9, 2016

Nilesh's 3rd Party Moral Inventory

1.   A good person is someone who is trustworthy. A good person is someone who cares about others as much as themselves. They should be honest, truthful, and forgiving. They should be selfless and have control of their negative emotions. A good person doesn't need to be perfect, but they just need to realize that everyone has flaws, including himself/herself.

2.   Andrew has been a student at Archimedean for a while and I really haven't gotten to know him that well. But, the best part about him is that he takes you in like family and treats you like a long-lost friend. Another great personality of Andrew is his ability to make the best out of any situation. Andrew is clever, and can make any boring situation fun. He is also hilarious and can make the best pranks. Moreover, Andrew will always listen to others and help them in times of need. Overall, Andrew is a great person who will put other's needs above himself.

3.   I really doubt Andrew has any virtues to work on from what I've observed. But he claims (and a few others) that he isn't a very honest person. That is a virtue than can be improved on by completing all the responsibilities necessary. For example, there is no need to cheat if you studied all the material previously. But that is a virtue that Andrew will easily overcome (Just cut down on the Pokémon GO).

4.   Andrew and the rest of high school will be presented with many opportunities to improve. With good advice and the willingness to improve, he can improve all his virtues. Andrew can slowly improve on this virtue by being truthful on the little things. Then work your way up to telling the truth on larger situations. It's always better to keep a clean slate than lie your way through.

5.   Though I make it seem that it is so simple to improve on your virtue, it really isn't. you will be presented with many situations that make lying seem like a good option. For example, when you don't study for a test, cheating might seem like an option. But, it is better to just do badly on one test and use that grade as fuel to improve on the next test. The consequences for not cheating are just not worth one C or D on a test. But hopefully you will never have to deal with such situations.


Blog #2 "Enthusiasm, yippee!"

The virtue I tried to focus on this week was enthusiasm, and trust me when I say, it is EXTREMELY difficult to be enthusiastic about school. I think especially today was a challenge at the awards ceremony, mostly because sitting at a table for 4 hours without really knowing what's going on and it having nothing to do with you is quite boring. Uuuuh... I meant it was really fun and exciting, yay! I really did try to lighten it up though, by talking to my friends at the table and have conversations and play games that would keep us from using the tablecloth as a communal blanket so we could sleep. The reason that description is so descriptive, is because we were so tired that we actually contemplated whether or not we should us it as a sheet or something... Anyways, improvement is slow, but at least its improvement, right? I think next week I'll work on honesty lot more than I have been because with Geometry and Algebra and all the pop quizzes we've been having, it's really challenging to resist the temptation of cheating.

Friday, September 2, 2016

EXP #1 "The Ultimate Disciple"

Enthusiasm: Enthusiasm means to be extremely excited and to have a feeling of active interest in something that you enjoy. The reason I chose enthusiasm to work on, is so that I can be more involved in things that i do in my everyday life. At places like church, school, home, and doing things like small groups, homework, projects, and chores. I feel as though enthusiasm is an important virtue to have in life because it adds passion and motivation into a daily routine. This virtue, I hope, will help me to engage more profoundly in all aspects of my life in the future. My enthusiasm is not at the level I want it to be right now, and by working on it for the rest of the semester, I think that I will be at the level I wish to be or maybe even higher than I thought I would be. I think that trying to participate more in all my activities and trying to be positive while doing them, even if it's something that I don't like, will help boost my enthusiasm 

Faith: Faith means the strong belief or trust in someone or something, and in most cases, that faith happens to refer to God. And that also happens to be my case. Faith is very important in order to follow God, and without it, your relationship with Him has no base. I struggle with my faith, it seems, almost every day; whether it be the decisions I have to make, bad habits I feel the urge to keep doing, or having to decline sinful offers, it is certainly difficult to stay on the path God has set for me. My plan to get better is to read the Bible, talk to my leader at church for advice, and most definitely pray for strength and endurance. Faith is an interesting thing: When it wavers, so does your connection with God.

Honesty: Honesty is the quality of being fair and truthful. I chose honesty, because for almost my entire life, that has been one of my main struggles. Lying is so much easier than telling the truth, is it not? But what I've learned, yet still fall victim to, is the punishment you receive when you get caught up in the lies. Ever since I can remember, I have lied, but so much so, that I would lie about a dirty dish laying around not being mine, or that I did my homework when I actually completely forgot about it. It may sound normal, but that caused me to become accustomed to the guilt that followed lying; because of that, I no longer felt guilty about lying. And a few years back, I realized what a dangerous game I was playing, just lying for no reason at all. I realized back then and I realize it still, and that is that I will never stop lying completely, because that's impossible for any human to do, but I'll try my best, through the support of others and through the strength of God, to restrain the urge to tell lies.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

PMI #1 "Viewz of Character"

1. Definition of a good person: A good person is someone who you can trust to always be by your side, someone that won't abandon you in a time of need. A good person is someone who cares for themselves just as much as they care for others. A good person is selfless, but also has control over their donations, as well as being in control of their bad emotions, or at least try to make an effort to do so. They love others, are honest, truthful, and they forgive those that have done wrong against them or their friends. This kind of person most likely doesn't exist, that is someone having all of these traits and more. But what is realistically a good person, is one that makes an effort to be the best they can be for themselves and others. A good person is not perfect, but what makes the difference, is the fact that they realize that they have flaws just like everyone else.

2. My Moral Strengths: Out of all of the traits, attitudes, and behaviors I mentioned above, I think I only possess a few of them. I am extremely far from being a good person. But I'm not all bad; if that was so, I'd probably be in a state penitentiary. Anyways, I always try to forgive those that have done hurtful things to me, even though it's extremely hard; but God tells us to forgive others as he forgave us for our sins. I like to think of myself as a reliable friend and a member of my family, but nobody can always be there at the right time or place. I try and be truthful in my opinions as much as I can, and even though it might not want to be what people want to hear, I'll voice my opinion loud and clear. One last thing is that I'll stand up for others when the situation calls for it; though I'm not that good at breaking up arguments, a guy's got to try, right?

3. My Moral Weaknesses: I'll say right off the bat, that I am not exactly an honest person, when it comes down to it. I try, I really do, but I think that that is my worst weakness. I lie a lot, even on small things like my mom asking me if I did the laundry yet, and stuff like that. I also admit that I'm a bit on the selfish side. I try my best, with God's help, to give to others, and to help them as much as I possibly can; but sometimes I just feel like I need to focus solely on my needs more than others. And that happens a lot more than I and others would like. I'm not saying I'm stingy with money or stuff like that, but I am protective of my stuff, so much so that sometimes I won't give something to someone that needs it because I want it for myself, and you might be thinking, "That isn't so bad!" Well it wouldn't be, if I didn't do that like 96% of the time. Lastly, I have some trouble with controlling myself when I get angry or taunted by other people. Even though I've gotten better at it, I'm still one to unleash hell on someone if they piss me off enough; no exceptions. By the way, that's not a threat, if you were wondering...

4. Moral Opportunities: I think that hearing other people's definitions of what a good person should be, and reading more and more of the Bible, will help me to improve myself. I also think that I might find someone I can relate to that I didn't realize I connected with, and make new friends that can keep me in line, you know? In my opinion, and I'm going to be blunt about this, I think that God can really take someone to a whole new level of knowing what makes a good person a truly good person that you can't quite see without Him. By reading the Bible, I've learned that the people that you are around influence you greatly, and vice versa; so I think that by doing this activity, others and I can get to know each other, and have better influences on each other. I've also learned that living for God can really make people realize how much God can change someone's life, especially if that person has known them for a long time. I'm not perfect, but I think with God's guidance, I can really benefit from this.

"For I am not unashamed of the Gospel"
Romans 1:16

5. Moral Threats: I believe that the same can be said for opportunities that can be said for threats: The people you hang out with can influence you to either be a good person or a bad person. I feel as though I'll encounter obstacles like being asked to do something, either in the next 8 weeks or at some point in my life, that goes against what God wants me to do. Also, this experience really will let me think about all the bad things and habits that I've developed over the years, and that can be good; but it's also bad at the same time, because I'll realize how much I've done against God, and that will definitely make me lead my life more focused on God. I'll also say that this activity is going to challenge me spiritually, because some people will say how certain things are okay, and doesn't affect your character, but it does to God; and that's going to be difficult for me, because of the temptation that follows. "And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it" (1 Corinthians 10:13).